One year ago today

This was possibly my last TTC attempt. I had tried three cycles of Clomid and three cycles of Follistim. Two Clomid cycles were a bust; one was cancelled because I wasn't ovulating early enough for my RE. Two Follistim cycles were also a bust, though I still believe FSH/IUI #2 did not contain follicles, but residual cysts. (My RE refused to do a CD3 scan or bloodwork.)
The RE we saw at The Baby Factory was a rather gruff, aggressive, arrogant man who was trying to essentially push us into IVF because we live in a mandatory insurance state and IVF brings in higher success rates and big dollars. We weren't ready to commit to IVF; we weren't sure we ever wanted to do IVF. We knew we didn't want to do IVF with him regardless.
After FSH/IUI #2 was a complete and total disappointment, I called and insisted to speak with him and not a nurse. I called his secretary and scheduled a time for him to call me back. I threw a major hissy fit on the phone. He didn't like what I had to say but reluctantly agreed to be more aggressive on my next FSH/IUI after I told him that we would not be pursuing IVF and we were moving away after this try and this was my last chance.
I got the increased Follistim dose that I wanted and had four eager follicles rather than the one of previous cycles. I never felt so fertile in all of my life. We had optimism that we hadn't had since our very first try, as this was our birthday cycle and that had to count for something.
Our sweet baby girl has been growing and developing for a whole year now. Happy Conception Day, punk!

Happy happy!!
Happy conception day to the Punk! It is kind of cool how so many of us TTCers actually can pinpoint conception to the day.
Is it just me, or is that kinda weird? spooky?
Not in a bad way, I guess. Since we sit around figuring out approximately when Squeak was conceived, and what we were doing at various times in his gestation. Plus where we were when he was born (probably on an airplane!) and stuff like that.
It's cool that it was Nat'l Coming Out Day.
(Oh, and The Molecule! We love The Molecule!)
I don't think it's spooky, but it IS kind of weird to know like that, and to think about it. I guess it kind of shows how far we've come in the world of Mad Science!
The Skwish is my favoritest toy EVAR. I just want to play with it myself.
Happy Conception Day
Lots of love
Trinity xxxx
Sigh. It' enough to make a TTC woman on quite-possibly-her-last try a little hopeful.
I'm so glad it worked for you!
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