I realized that I hadn't written anything over here since we got our last BFN. Whoops. I guess I've been writing too much over on my
other blog.
So we started our final injectibles/IUI cycle. When I called to start a new cycle, the nurse who gave me my instructions gave me the same dosage instructions as the last two cycles (75iu for CD3-7). When I said that the doctor said he would be more aggressive this time, she said the doctor wasn't in that day and that I should do the 75iu that night and call the next day. I did, and to my surprise the doctor upped my dose to 150iu for CD4-7!
I went in for b/w and u/s on CD8 and I had tons and tons of little follicles, with one 12mm on the left. I was a little concerned, but they called to tell me my E2 was over 350 and the RE wanted to try to slow me down a little. So I took 75iu on CD8-9 and came back in for b/w and u/s this morning, CD10.
I had nothing going on over 12mm on the right ovary, and I started getting concerned. But my left was having a little follicle party: two 16s, one 15, one 14, some 12s. I didn't get my E2 because the RE's office called me with my instructions before the bloodwork even came back (which I think is weird, but what can I do?). They want me to trigger tonight for IUIs tomorrow and Wednesday.
I was thinking that another night might bump those follicles up a little bit to be 18s or something, but I think my RE is worried that another day of stims will bring the 14 and maybe some 12s up, too, and then I will have too many. I wish I knew my E2, though... so I would know if those follies had nice, mature eggs.
Hopefully this will be our magic cycle. It's our last IUI cycle, at least with this doc since we are moving and wouldn't have time to do IVF with him. We had to switch donors because we ran out of our last dude and we're worried that we won't get the awesome numbers we got from the last guy.
Jen is able to come with me tomorrow, but she is leaving tomorrow night for her new job 2 hours away so I will be flying solo on Wednesday, which should be O day. Sad sad.