The Midwife I Like in my practice was the midwife I saw at my last appointment, and when I told her we were going to Florida in a little bit to visit Jen's parents, she suggested I take a copy of my medical records "just in case." She said that lots of times ERs and stuff freak about pregnant people and are afraid to treat things, so having the records is a kind of insurance. So, okay, I hoofed up there to pick up the records (and to get more blood drawn from some missing prenatal tests, whatever).
Now before seeing TMIL last time, I had two visits with The Midwife I Do NOT Like. And oh, I do not like her. She's very snappy and it comes off as judgmental, and well, I just don't like it. I told her once (because umm, if you can't tell your midwife your pregnancy worries, whom can you tell?) that I was concerned that everyone was telling me I was really small, and that I looked really small compared to some of my due date peers. She snapped, "Stop looking at the internet." I was cheesed. That was the first visit.
The second visit with TMIDNL was the same day as our Big Ultrasound, so Jen was with me. We'd had a particularly rocky night the night before due to some misunderstanding and also a lot of sad feelings about our lost baby, and we're also pretty hung up on ultrasounds (as we've had a million and also have to see our lost baby at every single one), AND we ended up "not getting clear pictures" and being told we'd need ANOTHER ultrasound, so... yeah. Not the best day. I was really emotional in the office that day, and Jen was too, and at some point she asked if we were "having problems." I felt like crap that day, hadn't slept, and well, I'm protective of my relationship. I don't like people making snappy judgments about it.
So... the records. I shouldn't have done it but it was like a train wreck. I /had/ to immediately go to the page with those two visits on it, because the whole ride home from that awful visit that day I was hysterically crying that this woman was going to write awful things in my record. And there it was:
"strained relationship"
"recommended couples counseling" (which she definitely did not)
"seems to distrust the medical system"
"pt worries that we will think she is crazy"
OH. MY. GOD. This is in my FILE, the same file that will probably go to my new PCP, the same file that may be picked up again if I ever have another baby, my FILE. I am MORTIFIED. This is ON PAPER. What the hell do I do, besides spit nails?
Jen wants to file a complaint against TMIDNL. Or she wants me to talk to TMIL at my next appointment. She wants to go On Record saying that this sort of thing is inappropriate, etc. But all I can think about is how anything On Record is ALSO going to be a part of my file, and do I need MORE crap in my file about how I have issues? Honestly, I want to complain to someone too but I feel like I'm in this weird Catch-22 where expressing my displeasure (and also the lack of ethics involved) Proves Their Point. Augh.
This may not seem like a big deal, but when I have a like four-page record TOPS, and one whole page is full of disparaging remarks about me, it makes me twitchy. Especially because I don't like her. Especially because she made me feel stupid for asking questions about my pregnancy concerns. Especially because this woman could very possibly deliver our baby.
I don't even know what to do.